Gurumukhi keyboard | Gurumukhi examples | Switches


ਅ = a, ਆ = A,aa, ਇ = i, ਈ = I,ee, ਉ = u, ਊ = U,oo, ਏ = e,E, ਐ = ai, ਓ = o,O, ਔ = au,ou


ਂ = M

ਃ = H

ੰ = ~n (tippi)

ੱ = ~m (addak)



ਸ = s, ਸ਼ = S,sh,sx ਹ = h,~h

ਕ = k, ਖ = K,kh, ਗ = g, ਘ = G,gh, ਙ = ~g

ਚ = c,ch, ਛ = C,Ch, ਜ = j, ਝ = J,jh, ਞ = ~j

ਟ = T, ਠ = Th, ਡ = D, ਢ = Dh, ਣ = N

ਤ = t, ਥ = th, ਦ = d, ਧ = dh, ਨ = n

ਪ = p, ਫ = P,ph, ਬ = b, ਭ = B,bh, ਮ = m


ਯ = y,Y, ਰ = r, ਲ = l, ਲ਼ = L,lx ਵ = v,w


ਖ਼ = Kx

ਗ਼ = gx

ਜ਼ = z,jx

ੜ = R,Dx

ਫ਼ = f,Px



ऽ = &

ੴ = oum

₹ = Rs

ZWJ = ^

ZWNJ = ^^


Punctuation Marks:

The English symbols [ ] { } ( ) - + * / = ; : . , " ? ! % \ ~ _ | # $ convert to the same symbols in Gurumukhi also.


Quotation Marks:

` ' characters are converted to single smart quotes(‘ ’) characters. We can get double smart quotes(“ ”) by using them twice.

When a consonant character is followed by a vowel character, it results in a live consonant.



ka kA ki kI ku kU ke kai ko kau kaM kaH

ਕ ਕਾ ਕਿ ਕੀ ਕੁ ਕੂ ਕੇ ਕੈ ਕੋ ਕੌ ਕਂ ਕਃ

maiM ikk bhAratIy hAM

ਮੈਂ ਇੱਕ ਭਾਰਤੀਯ ਹਾਂ



In the Gurumukhi phonetic keyboard, an implicit 'a' matra is assumed for the last consonant of the word.



k,c,T,t,p --> ka,ca,Ta,ta,pa --> ਕ,ਚ,ਟ,ਤ,ਪ


When a nasal consonant such as ਙ, ਞ, ਣ, ਨ, or ਮ occurs consecutively, a tippi ( ੰ ) symbol is placed on the previous character. tippi can also be explicitly specified using '~n'.



ammA = ਅੰਮਾ

mu~nDA = ਮੁੰਡਾ


When any other consonant occurs consecutively, a addak ( ੱ ) symbol is placed on the previous character. addak can also be explicitly specified using '~m'.



dillee = ਦਿੱਲੀ

ba~mchA = ਬੱਚਾ


‘ਹ’ consonant can be written in two ways; 'h', '~h'. If you want to apply a ‘ਹ’ half consonant to consonants such as 'k', 'g', 't', 'd', etc, you have to use '~h' instead of of 'h'.



bakkiMghAm = ਬੱਕਿਂਘਾਮ

bakkiMg~hAm = ਬੱਕਿਂਗ੍ਹਾਮ




^ = ZWJ (zero width joiner)

^^ = ZWNJ (zero width non joiner)


If two English characters are making one Gurumukhi vowel (ex: ai, ou), then, ZWJ or ZWNJ character can be used to separate them into different vowels.



iMDiyainfo = ਇਂਡਿਯੈਨ੍ਫ਼ੋ

iMDiya^info = ਇਂਡਿਯ‍ਇਨ੍ਫ਼ੋ