Gujarati keyboard | Gujarati examples | Switches |
અ = a, આ = A,aa, ઇ = i, ઈ = I,ee, ઉ = u, ઊ = U,oo, ઋ = Ru, ૠ = RU, ઍ = ~e, એ = e,E, ઐ = ai, ઑ = ~o, ઓ = o,O, ઔ = au,ou
ઁ = ~M
ં = M
ઃ = H
ક = k, ખ = K,kh, ગ = g, ઘ = G,gh, ઙ = ~g
ચ = c,ch, છ = C,Ch, જ = j, ઝ = J,jh, ઞ = ~j
ટ = T, ઠ = Th, ડ = D, ઢ = Dh, ણ = N
ત = t, થ = th, દ = d, ધ = dh, ન = n
પ = p, ફ = P,ph, બ = b, ભ = B,bh, મ = m
ય = y, ર = r, લ = l, ળ = L, વ = v,w, શ = S,sh, ષ = Sh, સ = s, હ = h,~h
જ્ઞ = j~ja
ક્ષ = kSha
ઽ = &
ૐ = oum
₹ = Rs
ZWJ = ^
ZWNJ = ^^
Extended Characters:
The consonants with a nukta (dot) under them can be obtained by using the 'x' character following the respective consonants as shown below. These characters are mainly used for words borrowed from other languages.
Example: ક઼ = kx, ખ઼ = Kx, ગ઼ = gx, જ઼ = z,jx, ડ઼ = Dx, ઢ઼ = Dhx, ફ઼ = f,Px, ય઼ = Y,yx |
Punctuation Marks:
The English symbols [ ] { } ( ) - + * / = ; : . , " ? ! % \ ~ _ | # $ convert to the same symbols in Gujarati also.
Quotation Marks:
` ' characters are converted to single smart quotes(‘ ’) characters. We can get double smart quotes(“ ”) by using them twice.
When a consonant character is followed by a vowel character, it results in a live consonant.
Example ka kA ki kI ku kU kRu kRU klRu klRU k~e ke kai k~o ko kau kaM kaH ક કા કિ કી કુ કૂ કૃ કૄ ક્લૃ ક્લૄ કૅ કે કૈ કૉ કો કૌ કં કઃ ame bhAratIya ChIe અમે ભારતીય છીએ |
In the Gujarati phonetic keyboard, an implicit 'a' matra is assumed for the last consonant of the word.
Example: k,c,T,t,p --> ka,ca,Ta,ta,pa -->ક,ચ,ટ,ત,પ |
When two or more consecutive consonants appear in the input, they make a consonant conjunct. The last consonant takes the full form and the preceding consonants become half consonants.
Example: nyAy = ન્યાય |
‘હ’ consonant can be written in two ways; 'h', '~h'. If you want to apply a ‘હ’ half consonant to consonants such as 'k', 'g', 't', 'd', etc, you have to use '~h' instead of of 'h'.
Example: bakkiMghAm = બક્કિંઘામ bakkiMg~hAm = બક્કિંગ્હામ |
^ = ZWJ (zero width joiner)
^^ = ZWNJ (zero width non joiner)
Usually when a consonant cluster (two or more consecutive consonants) occurs, it will be rendered as a ligature if that is available in the font. The ZWJ and ZWNJ can be used to produce an alternate rendering of the ligatures.
If a consonant is followed by the ZWJ, half-form of the consonant is formed.
Example: rakShaNa = રક્ષણ rak^ShaNa = રક્ષણ |
If a dead consonant (consonant with halant symbol) is required, the ZWNJ character should be used after the consonant.
Example: rAj^^kumAr = રાજ્કુમાર rAjkumAr^^ = રાજ્કુમાર્ |
If two English characters are making one Gujarati vowel (ex: ai, ou), then, ZWJ or ZWNJ character can be used to separate them into different vowels.
Example: iMDiyainPo = ઇંડિયૈન્ફો iMDiya^inPo = ઇંડિયઇન્ફો iMDiya^^inPo = ઇંડિયઇન્ફો |